20 - 23 maj 2024
Denna workshop är tyvärr inställd men ersätts av Flying Low och Passing Through med Vincent Jonsson
Workshop Description:
In this workshop, we will explore Flying Low and Passing Through, two floor work techniques and group improvisation methods developed by David Zambrano. We will practice shorter phrases focused on moving up and down from the floor, aiming to improve the efficient use and transfer of energy, momentum, in dancing. As well as work on specific principles of interaction, following, leading, and moving together as a group in space.
Vincent Jonsson is a freelance dance-artist and master student at the NPP program at SKH.
// Petra
// Petra
In the founding phase of modern dance cabarets, variety theaters and nightclubs in large urban and suburban centers – then regarded as part of pop culture – played a crucial role in its development. Many artists in the first half of the 20th century focused their attention on various manifestations of early mass culture so that the line between “popular” and “artistic” dance was somewhat blurred. Both genres went through a significant structural change in the course of the so-called modern turn.
I would like to suggest that during these 4 days we visit our own dance archive as a way to decolonize the hierarchy present within our dance knowledge. Starting from folk and Brazilian street dances and coordination exercises, to going towards and as far as 90s and 2000s MTV music videos, the goal is to access a dance that ignites nostalgia, collective power and transformation.
The products and effects of pop culture are considered as a kind of choreographic material; a resource that I, in my search for new forms of movement and body expressions, want to use freely. For me, pop culture is like a statement, a transformative instrument to rethink dance reception. I do not consider pop culture a banal phenomenon but a unifying force capable of bringing different people together. Contemporary dance is not indifferent to pop culture. Both have their roots in modernity.
Renan Martins is a Brazilian choreographer and performer based between Porto and Heidelberg. He started his artistic path as a young actor in Rio de Janeiro and at the age of 17 moved to Europe to study contemporary dance. He graduated from both SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) and P.A.R.T.S (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) where he started developing his choreographic work. His very first full evening piece “Let Me Die In My Footsteps” was chosen by Aerowaves as one of the top works of 2016. Since then he has been making work, performing and touring in various cities in Europe and Brazil.
Parallel to his choreographic practice, he has also been a performer for Iztok Kovac, Marysia Stoklosa, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Alexandra Waierstall, Ceren Oran, Daniel Linehan and Peter Savel.
Renan Martins is an active teacher sharing his work in various dance schools, festivals and companies around Europe and Brazil such as Impulstanz, B12, Danish National School of Performing Arts, Antwerp Royal Conservatory, Centro de Artes da Maré/Lia Rodrigues and P.A.R.T.S., to name a few.
Since 2013 he has been a member of Damaged Goods Meg Stuart performing in “Violet”, “Atelier III”, “Projecting [Space[“ and most recently “CASCADE”. In 2021 he became part of a research project on diversity and inclusion together with the faculty of P.A.R.T.S. (BE), Manufacture (CH) and SKH (SK).
Ledare | Renan Martins |
Startdatum | 2024-05-20 |
Slutdatum | 2024-05-23 |
Tider | 13.00-16.00 (måndag-torsdag) |
Antal dagar | 4 dagar |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2024-05-05 |
Plats | Dansalliansen Studio |
Adress | Ryssviksvägen 2, 5 tr |
Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.