

26 - 27 feb 2022

A unique and constantly evolving tool for dancers using visual imagery and tactile exercises to help release the body and heighten awareness on many levels.

The workshop is a collaboration between Dansalliansen and Danscentrum Väst.

"Heidi’s stream - flow method has an intuitively progressive guidance that allows me to discover a sense of full body freedom and interconnection. Through imagery and sensation it provides an in-depth look at how each part of the body, when examined clearly and simply, can be a catalyst for naturally occurring, complex movement. After taking the class, I feel new movement channels open in my body and a heightened awareness for what it means to be fully present in my own movement research."    // A description of Stream-Flow classes from dancer Scott Fowler

The participants will be focusing on everyday tasks and habitual movement patterns with a stream-flow twist. Stream Flow Method 

Photo: Samuel Neeter 

Heidi Vierthaler började sin karriär hos Pacific NW Ballet i Seattle. I mitten av 90-talet började hon undervisa och påbörjade sin europeiska danskarriär, med bland annat arbete med Ballet Frankfurt, The Forsythe Company och Göteborgs Danskompani. Hon skapar även egna koreografier och har undervisat på kompanier och festivaler runt om i Europa.



Ledare Heidi Vierthaler
Startdatum 2022-02-26
Slutdatum 2022-02-27
Tider 10.00-15.00
Antal dagar 2 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag 2022-02-25
Plats Danscentrum Väst
Adress Ärlegatan 3

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.