

10 - 14 aug 2020

In this class we will work with ballet and some of its absorptions into modern and post-modern dance, through the filter of somatic practices

Anatomical information and their integration in our bodies as a body-felt-sense will open doors for solving technical questions, bringing ease and specificity in our movement and exploring new possible connections and patterns in our bodies. Basic landmarks in ballet and affiliated techniques will be revisited by inviting a new, different understanding of their workings. The class will fall in and out of the expected structure of a ballet class and will include the exploration of a phrase that activates various of the elements that are approached during the class.

Frédéric Gies is a dancer and choreographer based in Sweden. His dance pieces bring to the forefront the capacity of dance to speak without having to commit to any aboutness. Frédéric Gies approaches form as possibilities rather than constraints. Their dances also address and actualize politics in a non-representational way, beyond the appearance of bodies. Frédéric Gies’ work is also tightly connected to techno music and infused with references to clubbing and rave cultures. This is widely enabled by their long-term collaboration with the dj and producer Fiedel.

As he moved to Sweden in 2014, he initiated the work with techno music and started to develop his practice Technosomatics. The work is supported since ten years by Weld, and more recently by Skogen and Inkonst. They are supported by the Swedish Arts Council and have been recipient of grants from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, the City of Stockholm and the City of Malmö. Between 2012 and 2018, they were head of program of the MA in choreography at DOCH-SKH. 

OBS! Träningen är öppen och utan kostnad för professionella frilansdansare och ingen föranmälan krävs dock kan deltagarantalet komma att begränsas på grund av Corona.

Träningen är ett samarbete mellan Dansalliansen och Danscentrum Syd



Ledare Frédéric Gies
Startdatum 2020-08-10
Slutdatum 2020-08-14
Tider 12.00 - 14.00
Antal dagar 5 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag 2020-08-14
Plats Danscentrum Syd
Adress Bergsgatan 29

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.