12 - 16 aug 2019
An exploratory workshop to see what changes in the dancer’s body from day to day by beginning with Gyrokinesis™ and then go straight into a ballet class.
This workshop is directed to professional’s dancers in cooperation with Danscentrum Syd. You can choose to participate in both classes or choose just one of them but a registration is necessary.
The Gyrokinesis ™ class begins with Gyrokinesis essentials building daily into Level 1. A series of fluid spinal motions which increase range of motion, and prepares the body to explore more complex movements with agility, and ease. Class continues on the floor with exercises that expand on the spinal motions, gradually adding more complex sequences, incorporating more movements of the hips, shoulders, hands and feet. Gyrokinesis™ is a safe and systematic learning process developed by Juliu Horvath.
Modern Ballet Class: The modern ballet class evaluates and re-evaluates the dancers body with the objective to strengthen the awareness of his or her own natural alignment and experience in the setting of a ballet class meaning Barre and Centre practice. The Barre emphasises isolating, releasing the joints,and using that articulation to strengthen the dancer's core awareness and deepen their understanding of where the movement is initiated in the body to support a more functional body placement while at the same time rethinking the basic systems needed in the ballet vocabulary . The Centre practice challenges the dancer to use the new found information while using the ballet vocabulary as a tool when being confronted with shift of weight, change of direction and moving the body through space.
Libby Farr är utbildad klassisk dansare i USA. Hon har därefter arbetat på många olika kompanier både i USA och Europa innan hon fortsatte vidare till Theater des Westens i Berlin och Tanz Theater Skoronel. Samtidigt som hon själv dansade började undervisa. I två år arbetade hon på Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar och blev efter det balettmästare och assistent till Amanda Millers Pretty Ugly Dance Company. Hon är numera en regelbunden gästlärare på P.A.R.T.S i Belgien och SEAD i Österrike. Hon är en certifierad Gyrokinesis lärare.
Ledare | Libby Farr |
Startdatum | 2019-08-12 |
Slutdatum | 2019-08-16 |
Tider | Gyro 09.30-11.00 Balett 11.15-12.45 Samtal 12.50-13.15 |
Antal dagar | 5 dagar |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2019-08-05 |
Plats | Danscentrum Syd |
Adress | Bergsgatan 29 |
Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.