

8 - 11 jan 2024

In this workshop we will explore the implications of the Feldenkrais and Ilan Lev Method in our dance practice, how we can increase expressive capacity and extend the longevity of our bodies in movement as we tap into our innate somatic intelligence.

When we invite the spirit of curiosity and take on the role of an investigator, we discover how a small shift in perspective can transform our experience of movement profoundly.
Through mechanical research, hands-on work and improvisational exploration, we will uncover the expansive potential of our physical form, maximizing efficiency as we drop effort.
In Ilan Lev Method, we invite movement to return to parts of the body where communication has been cut off due to physical or emotional stress, facilitating the breakdown of suboptimal patterns and creating space for the discovery of new possibilities resulting in relief of pain, improved circulation and richer range of movement.  Teaching the brain as we move the body, ILM works towards improving human capabilities and removing functional difficulties with an emphasis on cultivating curiosity and joy through somatic exploration

Feldenkrais is a somatic movement technique where we from a skeletal point of view work with inner movement and out. The method works with neuroplasticity and the idea that the brain can change through a practical approach and we work through often minimalistic movements in order to open for new chains of thoughts and movement, in order to break habits, spark, curiosity and balance our nervous system. It is injury-preventing, pain- and stress- reducing and can be used both for rehabilitation and as practice to sharpen once articulations and tools.

Sarah Stanley , originally from Houston, Texas, Sarah Stanley is a dance artist and Ilan Lev Method practitioner based in Stockholm, SE.  She received her dance training from SUNY Purchase (US) and Taipei National University for the Arts and was certified as an Ilan Lev Method practitioner and movement teacher with Yaniv Mintzer and Ilan Lev through ILM International under the mentorship of Tzéela Rinsky.  Sarah has lived in New York, Berlin and Stockholm where she has worked with Jefta Van Dinther, Örjan Andersson, Punchdrunk’s Immersive production Sleep No More, Kat Válastur, Moritz Majce, Sigal Zouk, Gloria Höckner, Tiago Manquinho, John Heginbotham and Andrea Miller among others. Sarah has taught classes in ILM and her method Fieldwork for Norrdans, Danscentrum Stockholm, Sommardans Gävle, ShantiLoco Retreats, Marameo (DE), Tanzfabrik (DE), Dock 11(DE),  Atelier de la Dans (DE), Peridance (US), Mark Morris Dance Center (US), HSPVA (US) and The Met (US) in addition to working as a cultural ambassador for the US State Department leading workshops in Laos, Indonesia and the Philippines. https://www.sarahstanley.info/ 
Julia Kraus Dybeck, originally from Stockholm, Sweden Julia Kraus is a dancer, choreographer and Feldenkrais practitioner. 
With one foot in Sweden and one foot in Israel and a degree in Dance and in Directing, she is interested in interdisciplinary work, in video art, movement within a theatrical framing, and the melt point between media combinations with the body as a startpoint. As a dancer Julia has been working with choreographers like Roy Assaf, Maya Brinner, Mari Carassco, Dana Yahlomi, Rotem Tashach, Irad Matzliah, participating in Matan project by the Batsheva ensemble, among others. 
As a choreographer Julia has been making both her own productions, international cooperation as well as creating for stages like Riksteatern, Zebra Dans, Scenkonst Sörmland, Comedia Theatre, Strindbergs Intima teater, Orionteatern. 
She has taught and giving workshops in Feldenkrais and Feldenkrais into more embodied explorations atAcademy of Ballet Sthlm, Danscentrum Sthlm, DC Syd, DC Norr, Norrdans, Skånes Dansteater, Cullberg, Regionteatern Väst, Kelim choreography center (IL) Susanne Dallal (IL) Schauspiel Köln (DE).  www.julia-kraus.com


Ledare Julia Kraus Dybeck and Sarah Stanley
Startdatum 2024-01-08
Slutdatum 2024-01-11
Tider 13.00-16.00 (måndag-torsdag)
Antal dagar 4 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag 2024-01-07
Plats Dansalliansen Studio
Adress Ryssviksvägen 2, 5 tr

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.