

14 - 18 jan 2019

Our physical, psychological, and cultural habits are deeply intertwined. The past is encoded in the present. Aesthetic acts pass through the internalized concepts we begin to call home, and shape our present future.

Using Zazen meditation practices and teachings for the mind, as well as contemporary dance technique and theory, we'll explore how awakening and creativity can be expressed in and through the body. We will look more deeply at the roots of our collective aesthetic preferences, how they  shape perception and pre-choreograph action.

In stillness, we will consider traditional meditation practices and see what insight they offer to the process of making art. In movement, we will translate these ancient teachings into contemporary sense-based exercises, problems to be unfolded somatically. Each day will include meditation, discussion, movement, and group practices.

Tilman O´Donnell är född i USA och utbildade sig vid National Ballet School i Toronto (Kanada) och startade sin dansarkarriär i GöteborgsOperans balett under konstnärlig ledning av Anders Hellström. Under 2002 dansade Tilman i Staatstheater Saarbrücken under Marguerite Donlons ledning. 2003 kom han till Cullbergbaletten ledd av Johan Inger. Här var han fram till 2007. Från 2007 till 2015 tillhörde Tilman i The Forsythe Company i Frankfurt. 




Ledare Tilman O´Donnell
Startdatum 2019-01-14
Slutdatum 2019-01-18
Tider 10.00-11.30 Daglig träning
12.30-16.00 Workshop
Antal dagar 5 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag 2019-01-06
Plats Danscentrum Stockholm
Adress Jungfrugatan 7b

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.