


9 - 13 sep 2024

A workshop in collaboration between Dansalliansen and Danscentrum Syd.

The Participants will work on warming up both body and voice through different exercises, a strong focus is on rhythmical work as well as how to connect the sound and a movement in a one-on-one manner in order to create an instrument with your body. Work particularly with grounding and groove, finding ways to access a physicality that is both laid back and rhythmically tight. This will be done through the help of music and different somatic tools. 
Furthermore the workshop will focus on polyrhythm, syncopation and synthesis. Learn how to jam with polyrhythmic patterns, played out with both body and voice. Work with rhythmical syncopation, creating a way of perceiving our dance as a rhythmical thing, as an ever-varying division of time in terms of rhythm. Finally, synthesis has to do with working on a detail level; making slight changes in tonus, tone, speed, intensity etc in order to make change really matter and to open up both your own and eventually the audiences ability to perceive more and come closer to the dance. 

Alma Söderberg is a choreographer and performer that works with music and dance. She uses her voice and body to play space as if it was an instrument. Her ongoing research deals with how we listen as we look; the relation between the ear and the eye. She has grounded her practice in a number of solo performances in which she developed an idiorhythmic way of creating. In the two ongoing musicprojects wowawiwa and John the Houseband, she has worked in collaboration with the other artists Anja Muller, Dennis Deter, Hendrik Willekens, Roger Sala Reyner and Melkorka Sigridur Magnusdottir. In all her works she collaborates closely with the sound artist Hendrik Willekens. Alma Söderberg has won the Thalia Prize and has been granted the Cullberg scholarship.


Ledare Alma Söderberg
Startdatum 2024-09-09
Slutdatum 2024-09-13
Tider 11.00-16.00 (måndag fredag)
Antal dagar 5 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag 2024-08-23
Plats Danscentrum Syd
Adress Bergsgatan 29

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.