

6 - 9 nov 2023

Mari bjuder in till en process av rörelse, musik och lust.

Dansarna kommer att arbeta med Maris rörelsevokabulär och värld. Under workshopen kommer Mari ge uppgifter som deltagarna följer och arbetar med. Varje dag kommer avslutas med en session där dansarna får tid att fördjupa sig och experimentera med sina egna impulser men även med i impulser instruerade av Mari. 
Foto: Märta Thisner 

Mari Carrasco is a Stockholm based dancer and choreographer from Sweden/Chile. Carrasco graduated from Balettakademien Stockholm in 2008 and has studied at Stockholm University of the Arts and at The International Visa Program - Dance New Amsterdam in New York.

Carrasco started to create work during her education and have been producing her own independent work from 2009. Since then Mari Carrasco has established herself as a well renowned choreographer in Sweden. She got her breakthrough as a choreographer with her piece BARTOLOMEO. The performance toured with RIKSTEATERN and it was performed over a hundred times in Sweden. In 2014 Carrasco produced a successful world tour with the same piece performing at festivals in; New York, Tokyo, Okinawa, Amman, Ramallah, Capri, Madrid, Vilnius, Roskilde, Chur, Belfast and Helsinki. BARTOLOMEO also won the PRIX D'ASSITEJ 2013.

Mari Carrasco has created commission work internationally and in Sweden for: SKÅNES DANSTEATER, REGION TEATER VÄST, STHLM 59 NORTH/The Royal Swedish Ballet, NORRDANS, RIKSTEATERN, DANSSTATIONEN, UNGA KLARA, HOLSTEBRO DANSEKOMPAGNI and VERVE LEEDS UK.

During the last two years I have been exploring a practice based on groove, flow and becoming the music. In the studio I work collectively with the dancers with a thinking and a physical body. The dancers are given tasks and scores to explore and work from. Key phrases I use are; anything can happen, contain the movement and listen to the music. The movement quality often emphasizes on the in-between landscape of imploding and exploding.


Ledare Mari Carrasco
Startdatum 2023-11-06
Slutdatum 2023-11-09
Tider 13.00-16.00 (måndag-torsdag)
Antal dagar 4 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag 2023-10-26
Plats Dansalliansen Studio
Adress Ryssviksvägen 2, 5tr

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.