

30 okt 2021

En endagsworkshop i samarbete mellan Dansalliansen, Danscentrum Väst i samverkan med Göteborgsoperan.

The class aims to encourage a sense of body awareness and efficiency as well as physical articulation. It will start with simple exercises to build strength and to form a good foundation in order to get the body ready for the day. Special emphasis will be made on healthy body mechanics, principles of physical laws, efficient use of weight, falls to the floor, jumps etc.

The choreographic workshop focuses on understanding the choreographic language used by Jarek Cemerek in his works. This language is built on technical precision and subtle details that have a meaningful value and is often observed from civil movements. For this reason, the workshop blends together a concentration on the dance technique used in the choreographic sequences with an exploration into the perception of individual movement qualities, whilst still retaining the context of the ideological concept of the chosen choreographic works. Continually, dancers will be given the opportunity to confront their own improvisation attempts within the given choreographic language. The theme of the workshop examines the impact of today’s hyper-consumerism on individuals. We have never had so many people on Earth with so many goods, yet we are lonelier than ever. Regardless of the benefits that technology brings in today’s society, we still feel lonely in our lives and lost in the crowd. Like walking down a big street packed with people and still feeling alone, or sharing a classroom with 40 other students, yet not speaking with any of them, or knowing that if something happened to you in a crowded square no one would come to the rescue. The theme is deep and anonymity has many sides. Dancers in their exploration and processing will use different parts of their body to contact each other, as well as the floor, as the main tool for their expression. Pulling, lifting, throwing, falling, crashing, softness, and sharpness will all be explored throughout too.


JAREK CEMEREK is an established choreographer, teacher and dancer working around the world. He studied classical dance at the Conservatory in Ostrava (CZ), BA choreography and MA dance pedagogy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, dance at the Theatre Academy in Helsinki. He began his artistic career as a classical dancer and continued as a contemporary dancer. He has won awords both for his dancing and choreographys and is a well liked teacher all over the world.



Ledare Jarek Cemerek
Startdatum 2021-10-30
Slutdatum 2021-10-30
Tider 12.00-17.00
Antal dagar 1 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag 2021-10-28
Plats Danscentrum Väst
Adress Ärlegatan 3

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.