

Öppen Sommarträning Stockholm

15 - 19 aug 2022

We will explore the movements and anatomy of laughter with different methods and practices as a springboard for inspiration and to get into the dancing body.

At the beginning of class we will use improvisation based scores and Klein Technique™ exercises in connection it to explorations with concepts like; grounding, space, sequencing, thrust and counter-thrust and initiation. We will lean into time aspects like ongoing and from slow to fast.

For the mid part of the class we will direct our focus towards laughter and its movement components from anatomy, gestures and form together with the braiding of the senses. The spontaniuous laughter, contagious laughter and the movements of laughter are some of the laughters we will work with. To end the class we will do dance scores, phrases and dances built on how the movements of laughter can move us.

”We cannot have a meaningful revolution without humor” - Bell Hooks
”Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." - Victor Borge

OBS! Träningen är öppen och utan kostnad för professionella frilansdansare och ingen föranmälan krävs. Den öppna sommarträningen genomförs i samarbete mellan Dansalliansen och Danscentrum Stockholm.
An underpinning in Jannines Rivels work is the proprioception sense, the intertwining between the senses and how movement moves us, internally and spatially. The movement(s), dancing as vivid figures of experiences and outcomes. How the senses and the interweaving between them can create choreographies within us and how this meeting point can create possibilities for new understandings through how we relate to the material, each other or our personal stories. 

Jannine is a teacher of Klein Technique™ and uses the technique’s concepts and underpinnings in her physical as well as artistic practice going into improvisations, scores and building methods of deepening and layering the material or questions in her art. With an ongoing practice of sustainability and Intersectional feminism she shifts the time aspect in her choreographies and includes multiple layers and access points in her work stretching from aspects of including, experiences and accessibility in her choices.
Jannine works in collaboration with choreographers and artists across genres and also dances and performs in works by MoaKompani, Mira Mutka, Julia Kraus Dybeck. During 2022 she is doing pre-research work for a dance piece on laughter and touring: “Koreografiska utflykter” with Amanda Billberg, dancing with MoaKompani and being a part of the network HER/THEYstories and more.


Ledare Jannine Rivel
Startdatum 2022-08-15
Slutdatum 2022-08-19
Tider 12.00-14.00 (mån-fre)
Antal dagar 5 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag -
Plats Klotet Dansenshus
Adress Wallingatan 19

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.