

31 maj - 3 jun 2022

We explore movement starting from a different motor. The internal movement, a force of stability, globality and endurance.

To use exactly the right amount of force, or motor, invites us to be the most efficient. Through introspective work, which allows us to get in contact with ourselves and the ‘here and now’, we move towards freeing ourselves from habits. We’ll work on different states of observation, maintaining a panoramic attention and a focused attention at the same time. Through exploration we will learn to let things happen, transform, and move without needing will power to be in movement. To surf on the rhythm of the moment with its different temporalities and states of being.

A workshop in collaboration between Dansalliansen and Danscentrum Stockholm

Anja Röttgerkamp was born in Wiedenbrück/Germany. After having finished the Folkwangschule in Essen/Germany (Dir.Pina Bausch) she had her own company and then worked with several different company’s like Gisele Vienne, Marco Berrettini, Raffaella Giordano, Louise Vanneste, etc. She did two formations in Fascial Release (Fasciatheraphie MDB) and movement analysis in Paris, France and Belgium and a formation for the 'Diplome d'Etat' of teaching in France. She currently teaches in different schools and organizations throughout Europe, teaching and accompanying company’s in their creative process. Gisele Vienne, Margret Sara Guojonsdotir, Alma Söderberg, Mette Ingvardson, Louise Vannest, Culberg Ballet, ISAC, La Raffinerie, la Cartoucherie (Paris), TNB ( Rennes, France), etc. In her private treatments she has developed a technique that combines the creative side with the health aspect of moving, by using the natural systems of efficiency in the body (brain/soul) that is often replaced by a way that is too voluntary...... making fun and letting go as a very important motor for our actions and creativity.



Ledare Anja Röttgerkamp
Startdatum 2022-05-31
Slutdatum 2022-06-03
Tider 13.00-17.00
Antal dagar 4 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag 2022-05-24
Plats Klotet Dansens hus
Adress Wallingatan 19

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.