

Master Class

13 sep 2024

A Master Class in direct relation to the work done in One Drop for professional artists and movers

The Master Class is given in conjunction with Sonya Lindfors visiting Elverket/Dansenshus in September.

"Dire times call for soft measures! For the past years I have been busy with decolonial speculative practices and their potentiality to revitalise, restore and subvert. Or to imagine possible and impossible futures. Taking its name from Rebecca Solnit’s book Hope in the Dark, this lab is an invitation to gather around the urgent and share tools and strategies to navigate in dark times. I will structure this lab with provocations, questions, and collective moving practices, with the aim to co-create a space with participants. It is open to artists, makers who are happy to work with movement.” Sonya Lindfors.

Sonya Lindfors is an award-winning Cameroonian-Finnish choreographer and artistic director who also works with facilitating, community organizing and education. Lindfors’ recent works One Drop (2023), common moves (2023), We Should All Be Dreaming, camouflage (2021), Soft Variations Online (2020) centralize questions around Blackness and Black body politics, representation and power structures, speculative futurities and decolonial dreaming practices.
On a larger scale Lindfors’ time is divided between her own artistic work, educational work and working as the artistic director of UrbanApa. In all her positions she pursues creating and facilitating anti-racist and feminist platforms, where a festival, a performance, a publication or a workshop can operate as the site of empowerment and radical collective dreaming.
 Photo:  Tuukka Ervasti


Ledare Sonya Lindfors
Startdatum 2024-09-13
Slutdatum 2024-09-13
Tider 13.00-15.30 (Fredag)
Antal dagar 1 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag 2024-09-11
Plats Dansalliansen studio
Adress Ryssviksvägen 2, 5 tr

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.