

DA c/o

19 - 23 feb 2024

Dansalliansen och Danscentrum Stockholm vill skaka om i den den så trista månaden februari. Vi ställer därför allt på ända och flyttar på både den dagliga träningen och workshops ut till Riksteatern och Cullbergs lokaler i Hallunda.

En möjlighet för frilansande dansare att under vecka 8 (19-23/2 )få hänga i Riksteaterns fantastiska scenkonsthus i Hallunda.

Datum             19-23/2 (måndag-fredag)
Tid                    Daglig träning 10.00-11.30
                          Workshop        13.00-16.00
 Plats                Cullberg/Riksteatern, Hallundavägen 30, Norsborg

Till workshoparna behöver du anmäla dig men du behöver inte delta alla dagar. Deltagandet på eftermiddagens workshops är utan kostnad för deltagande dansare men en anmälan krävs då vi behöver skapa inpasseringskort för alla som deltar. För daglig träning gäller DT kort -24

Registration for morning classes: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dB1RLz2b
Registration for workshop classes: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/enGlDnEa

Följande dansare från Cullberg kommer att leda den dagliga träningen och workshoparna under vecka 8.

Måndag           Balett/ Agnieszka Dlugoszewska                         workshop: Freddy Houndekindo
Tisdag              Contemporary/ Shai Faran                              workshop: Lilian Steiner
Onsdag            Balett/ Agnieszka Dlugoszewska                         workshop: Lilian Steiner
Torsdag            Contemporary/ Shai Faran                              workshop: Shai Faran
Fredag             Balett/ Agnieszka Dlugoszewska                         workshop: Freddy Houndekindo
En vecka som gjorts möjlig på initiativ av Dansalliansen, Danscentrum Stockholm och Cullberg
Agnieszka Dlugoszewska had worked over 25 years as a dancer and teacher. For the last 16 years she worked at Cullberg and from 2023 continues as rehearsal director. 

Class description: Flowing through ballet patterns in order to notice the engagement of body, mind and soul while in motion. (All the time.) Complexity in existing relationships. 

Shai Faran is an Israeli dancer, teacher and choreographer, based in Europe.
In Israel, she danced for the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company II, the Sigma Ensemble and the Dafi Altabab Dance Group. After studying and working in Israel, she moved to Europe to participate in the post graduate program at SEAD, where she expanded her knowledge and from there started to develop her research, practice and methods of teaching and creating. Shai joined Cullberg in 2024.

Workshop description These classes will focus on musicality, dynamics and the relationship between movement and time. By using different dynamic qualities, engaging different ways of listening to our own movement and to the movement around us, and by playing with the perception of time, we will aim to open a space where the connection between movement and time is at the foreground. 
Within a frame of specific and precise physical scores the participants will have the freedom to find their own interpretation and playfulness and to use the proposition in order to enrich their own dancing. 

Freddy Houndekindo is an interdisciplinary artist positioned at the intersection of music, spoken word poetry, dance and performance.

Workshop description Freddies teaching focuses on partnering/contact improvisation, within the frame of "Ryzom-ing”. Anchoring practice in ethics and theory in practice, collectively practitioners rethink notions surrounding consent, nonviolence and collective empowerment.

Lilian Steiner is an Australian dancer and choreographer. Since graduating from the Victorian College of the Arts, Bachelor of Dance program in 2010, Lilian has worked as a major performer/collaborator and toured extensively with Melbourne-based company, Lucy Guerin Inc., and occupied the role of Resident Director with the company in 2021-22. She has also worked on multiple projects with choreographers Phillip Adams (Balletlab), Melanie Lane, Shelley Lasica and Brooke Stamp, as well as with numerous artists working with live performance and film in the fields of visual arts, experimental sound and architecture/design.
Lilian received the Australian Green Room Award for Best Performer in 2023, and Best Female Dancer in both 2017 and 2018, as well as the Helpmann Award in 2017. Her work Noise Quartet Meditation received the 2015 Green Room Award for Concept and Realisation. Lilian joined Cullberg season 2023/2024.
Workshop description: In this workshop we will heighten our senses and ignite our imaginations in order to discover dances stimulated by what is not physically there. Imaginary dance partners, scenes and environments will accumulate substance and drive us into action. Each dance we enter will hold its own particular logic, but not be guided by narrative or predetermined agenda. We will enjoy being surprised again and again, and gather new experiences in our bodies, thanks to what is not there.
We will move back and forth between working together and solo, but ultimately, with this workshop I hope to share some personal strategies that have helped me to feel supported (and less alone) within solo performance.


Ledare Agnieszka Dlugoszewska, Shai Faran, Freddy Houndekindo and Lilian Steiner
Startdatum 2024-02-19
Slutdatum 2024-02-23
Tider 10.00-11.30 Daglig träning
13.00-16.00 Workshop
Antal dagar 5 dagar
Sista ansökningsdag -
Plats Cullberg/Riksteatern
Adress Hallundavägen 30

Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.