Webbkurs träning
25 feb - 1 apr 2022
The six weeks classes will introduce you to the principles of the method with chair, standing and floor exercises. From there you hopefully will be able to explore movement and body - mind connection from a different perspective.
People from all walks of life take Gyrokinesis classes, including accomplished professional dancers, fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, and people recovering from an injury or dealing with a disability.
The Gyrokinesis method coordinates movement, breath and mental focus to address the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. We explore our possibilities and limitations from our comfort zone, using yawning sensation as a stretch quality. The sensation after a Gyrokinesis class is relaxed, yet fully energized. You will most likely feel taller, with a greater sense of balance, as well as increased tonicity, mobility, and elasticity.
Each class is a new experience so that you can join them all or only a few.
The classes are made possible through a collaboration between Dansalliansen, Kulturakademin and Danscentrum Väst and are open for professional dancers.
Elodie Labonne is a certified Gyrokinesis trainer. She also dances and teaches Argentine Tango. Based in Göteborg, she has been giving weekly classes at Pilates Complete and World Dance Company since 2015. She also drives her own company named Connect With Joy, and helps groups and individuals to discover healthier ways of moving. Find out more at
Ledare | Elodie Labonne |
Startdatum | 2022-02-25 |
Slutdatum | 2022-04-01 |
Tider | Följande fredagar kl. 10.00-11.30: 25/2, 4/3, 11/3, 18/3, 25/3 och 1/4 via Zoom. Länkarna kommer finnas i Kulturakademins lärplattform Learnster. |
Antal dagar | 6 dagar |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2022-03-30 |
Plats | Webbkurs |
Adress | Online via Zoom |
Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.