Öppen Sommarträning - Stockholm
5 - 9 aug 2024
För elfte året i rad presenterar Dansalliansen ÖPPEN SOMMARTRÄNING som är utan kostnad för professionella frilansdansare och ingen föranmälan krävs.
The Class starts with Feldenkrais Method® which is a method learning to learn from ourselves to become connoisseurs of our possibilities. Awareness through movement®/Contemporary ballet, or just shifting through classical form... A good shot of awareness before the following contemporary ballet class…
Contemporary ballet, or just shifting through classical form...
Paul would like to open up the ballet class as a free space to play with options to enrich your artistic voice/expression and enhance your technical ease. Ballet class, for me, is an improvisation within the parameters that define its style. I hope to look beyond its supposed rigidity (be a rebel!) to find immense room for your personal flow and fluidity to emerge. How can we become better at recognising the choices available to us within the structure to allow our inner artist to forge our individual enjoyment of expression? What's right and what's wrong? What's perfection? This questioning could lead to something exciting. Steps in ballet are a means and not an end, right? Ballet can be more than just turning out, and instead, be a dance that is weaved from the quality of your personal choices - your artistry.
Contemporary ballet, or just shifting through classical form...
Paul would like to open up the ballet class as a free space to play with options to enrich your artistic voice/expression and enhance your technical ease. Ballet class, for me, is an improvisation within the parameters that define its style. I hope to look beyond its supposed rigidity (be a rebel!) to find immense room for your personal flow and fluidity to emerge. How can we become better at recognising the choices available to us within the structure to allow our inner artist to forge our individual enjoyment of expression? What's right and what's wrong? What's perfection? This questioning could lead to something exciting. Steps in ballet are a means and not an end, right? Ballet can be more than just turning out, and instead, be a dance that is weaved from the quality of your personal choices - your artistry.
Paul Pui Wo Lee is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner and Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA) practitioner and therapist, who currently serves as the rehearsal director and choreographic assistant at Of Curious Nature, a contemporary dance company. He graduated from Canada’s National Ballet School before training at the Rotterdam Dance Academy. He has danced with IT Dansa and GöteborgsOperans Baletten before working as a freelancer.
Paul is passionate about helping artists gain a sharper, embodied understanding about their personal movement possibilities to enrich the breadth of their technical and artistic palette. In this way they may expand their security and freedom of their performance from cultivating a healthier and more sustainable practice.
Ledare | Paul Pui Wo Lee |
Startdatum | 2024-08-05 |
Slutdatum | 2024-08-09 |
Tider | 12.00-14.00 (måndag-fredag) |
Antal dagar | 5 dagar |
Sista ansökningsdag | - |
Plats | Dansalliansens Studio |
Adress | Ryssviksvägen 2, 5tr |
Avbokning senast 3 dagar före startdatum, annars administrativ avgift på 500 kr.